Washing Cloth Nappies 101

Keeping your cloth nappies fresh, clean, and in perfect working order is easier than you think! At Mimi and Co, we understand that the idea of washing cloth nappies can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’ve put together this step-by-step guide to help you navigate your washing routine with confidence—and a little Aussie know-how.

Did you know?

According to a recent survey, nearly 12% of parents said their biggest hesitation about cloth nappying was worrying about washing. Rest assured, once you get into a routine, you’ll find it’s a breeze!

So, Where do I start?

Originals 2.0 Trial Modern Cloth Nappy {ONE PER PERSON} - Mimi & Co

Choosing the Right Detergent

The foundation of any successful wash is the detergent you choose. We recommend a high-quality, enzyme-based detergent that’s free from softeners and fragrances.

Pro Tip:
Always measure your detergent according to the load size. Overuse can lead to residue build-up, which may reduce the absorbency of your nappies. Avoid fabric softeners all together.

Mimis Top Picks

Choosing the right detergent for your family can be tricky. Mimi has used many brands over the years, and washed more than 12,000 cloth nappies. Here are her favourites:

Biozet Attack Powder

This is Mimis #1 go-to everyday, easy accessible washing powder. Avoid "Biozet Attack Plus Eliminator Powder" as it doesn't contain enzymes.

Pro Tip: Biozet is often half-price at Woolworths, Coles & BIG W

OMO Active Powder

Mimi loves an OMO, and will often swap between OMO and Biozet, depending on which one is half price.

Pro Tip: OMO is often half-price at Woolworths, Coles & BIG W - you can also find a 6KG bulk pack at Bunnings.

B Clean Co BABY

Fantastic Australian-made non toxic powder detergent. Safe for sensitive skin, with inbuilt laundry booster and 4 deep cleaning enzymes.

Dirt. Laundry Detergent

Great eco-friendly choice! An ultra laundry concentrate made with pure and powerful ingredients; organic enzymes, plant based surfactants and essential oils.

Pro Tip: Refill packs are available and can be returned to be recycled. This detergent works best in a 60 degree wash cycle.

Removing Soiling and Pre-Rinsing

For parents with little ones on solids, it’s important to remove solid waste before the wash:

PS. Yes, that does mean before your baby starts solids their poo is water-soluable and can go straight into your washing machine.

  • Using a Liner: If you’re using a nappy liner, simply remove and dispose of it in the bin, then give your nappy and inserts a good rinse.
  • No Liner?
    Gently scrape off any solids into the toilet and rinse your nappies under water. This quick rinse helps prevent stains and keeps your wash cycle efficient.

After rinsing, place your prewashed nappies in a dry pail—a simple basket or container where they can air for a short period (no more than a day or so) before the prewash.

Pre-Wash Cycle: Setting the Stage

Never skip the pre-wash step. Even if you’re in a hurry, a quick rinse cycle is essential to remove excess soiling:

Your prewash should ideally be done within 24 hours of removing the nappy.

  • Cycle Selection: Choose a quick or delicate cycle. This cycle should be about an hour long.
  • Temperature: Aim for water between 40°C and 60°C to effectively break down any residue.
  • Loading: Even if you only have a few nappies to wash, loading in your prewash doesn't matter.
  • Detergent: Use a "light soil" dose of detergent, this is usually half the dose of a full load.

After your prewash, let your nappies sit in the dry pail for up to two-three days until you’ve gathered enough for a full wash.

Wait, What If I'm using Night Nappies too?

Night nappies usually contain a LOT of wee, and that means a lot of ammonia (you know, the stinky wee stuff that can actually degrade your nappies).

Because of this, night nappies will need to be prewashed with 6-12 hours. Mimi suggests doing your prewash in the mornings, once you've removed the night nappy.

The Main Wash: Deep Cleaning Your Nappies

When it’s time for the main wash, select a robust cycle to get your nappies thoroughly clean:

  • Cycle Choice: A cottons or heavy-duty cycle works well, often this cycle will be about 2.5 - 3.5 hours long.
  • Water Temperature: Keep it between 40°C and 60°C for optimal cleaning.
  • Detergent Dose: Use the recommended amount of detergent (usually one full scoop for a standard load, or 1.5 scoops if washing night nappies or heavily soiled items).

This step ensures that all detergent residues and any lingering soiling are completely washed away, leaving your nappies fresh.

Drying Your Cloth Nappies

How you dry your nappies can impact their longevity and performance:

  • Line Drying: The best option for many Mimi and Co families is line drying.
  • Tumble Drying: If you need to speed up the process, use a low-heat setting in your tumble dryer. However, keep in mind that high temperatures can sometimes shorten the lifespan of your nappies and inserts.
  • Combination Method: Some parents prefer to tumble dry for a few minutes to remove excess moisture, then finish air drying. This method can help reduce drying time while protecting the fabric.

Remember: The more absorbent your inserts and boosters, the longer they might take to dry. Plan your drying method around your family’s daily routine to ensure you always have a fresh supply ready when needed.

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How to Strip Wash and Sanitise Your Cloth Nappies - Mimi & Co

How to Strip Wash and Sanitise Your Cloth Nappies

Keeping your modern cloth nappies clean and hygienic is essential for your baby’s health and comfort. Over time, nappies and inserts can accumulate buildup, which can impact their absorbency and le...